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Flash freezing vs regular freezing: differentiating the two

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Flash freezing vs regular freezing: differentiating the two

Flash freezing vs regular freezing: differentiating the two

7 October 2023

When it comes to preserving fresh produce such as meat, fish and seafood, two methods are commonly used: regular freezing and flash freezing. While both processes involve the preservation of products at low temperatures, in this article we will explain how flash-freezing, the method we have chosen, offers significant advantages over regular freezing.

Freezing: The at-home option


Regular freezing is the preservation method most commonly used in households, and made possible by the use of simple home freezer. It involves storing food at a temperature of maximum -18°C, so that it can be preserved for longer than in a refrigerator. This slow freezing process (up to 24 hours for the food to freeze completely through) is often used to extend the shelf life of products bought fresh, such as meat, fish, vegetables or even bread.

Flash-freezing: For optimum preservation

Flash-freezing uses the same general process as freezing, which is to lower the food's storage temperature to keep it edible for longer. The major difference is the temperature at which products are stored. While regular freezing takes place at around -18°C, flash-freezing takes place at -30°C to -50°C. With this second method, it takes just a few minutes for the product to freeze through.

At La famille Québec Alimentation, we have chosen to flash-freeze all our products. Why? Because this method allows us to best maintain the quality, flavor and freshness of our products. Our individually vacuum-packed meats, fish and seafood undergo a rigorous freezing process that guarantees their freshness over a longer period of time.



Shelf life: Frozen vs flash-frozen





Fruits & vegetables

8-12 months 24 months
Precooked products 1-3 months 24 months

Meat & Poultry
Meat 6-12 months 18 months
Poultry 6-9 months 18 months
Ground meat 3-4 months 12 months

Fish & Seafood
Lean fish 6-9 months 18 months
Fatty fish 2-3 months 18 months
Seafood 3-6 months 18 months


Shelf life can vary depending on temperature and packaging quality, which is why our meat, fish and seafood delivery service includes only individually vacuum-packed and frozen products to ensure optimal preservation.



The benefits of flash-freezing

  • Preservation of taste and texture : The speed of the freezing process greatly minimizes the creation of ice crystals, unlike freezing. This allows foods to retain their flavor, texture and nutrients.
  • Reduced bacterial growth : Freezing is much more effective at stopping the growth of bacteria, so you can be sure that your food will be as fresh as the day you ate it. Be sure to defrost your products thoroughly to guarantee safe and delicious food.
  • Longer shelf life : Frozen foods stay fresh for longer, reducing food waste and allowing you to enjoy them up to 24 months without worry.

In conclusion

Ultimately, whether you choose to freeze a product purchased fresh or buy a frozen product depends on your specific needs and storage capacity. However, flash-freezing stands out for its ability to optimally preserve food quality and freshness, making it an ideal choice for high-quality products.
