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Our products


Discover our range of meats, fish, seafood and other delicious grocery products. All selected for their quality. superior quality and the commitment of their producer, enough to satisfy your highest demands. All of our fresh products are frozen and vacuum-packed, preserving flavors, textures and nutritional values until ready. their tasting.

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La Famille Québec Alimentation

Choice of Meat, Fish,
Seafood, & Grocery Products


A variety of local meats and seafood because Quebec is full of committed producers and tasty products. Our meats are defatted and aged until ready. 45 days for delicious meals. Our fish are processed and vacuum-packed directly after fishing for guaranteed optimal freshness!


AAA beef / Poultry / Quebec pork / Wild Meat / Seafood


La Famille Québec Alimentation

AAA Beef
Steer (Alberta)


Our steer beef from Alberta offers you premium quality. exceptional with its AAA grade. Magnificent marbling for a unique taste.


Canadian beef is a real guarantee of satisfaction at La Famille Québec Alimentation. It is degreased until 92% by our professionals.

Discover our beef

Poultry Grain-fed chicken(Quebec)


Our poultry producers in Quebec offer you local, high-quality chicken. with grains and cooled à the air.


A range of products without preservatives so you can benefit from the best quality. for your poultry.

Discover our chicken

La Famille Québec Alimentation
La Famille Québec Alimentation

Fish & seafood Frozen, plain, marinated or stuffed


Sustainably and responsibly fished, our wide variety  fish and seafood will delight the whole family.


They are available to you in various cuts, frozen in batches. even the boat to preserve its full freshness.

Discover our fish

Produits surgelés

Products frozen products
& not frozen


The Qu&eac;bec Alimentation family offers you a range of frozen meats, fish and seafood, carefully selected for their freshness and taste. t authentic. Unlike; freezing, freezing allows foods to preserve their flavor, texture and nutritional values.

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4 avantages (picto)

Our Superior Quality Meat

La Famille Québec Alimentation

AAA Beef


 100% Canadian beef. Meat aged up to 45 days and degreased until 92%.

La Famille Québec Alimentation

Grain-fed chicken


Grain-fed,without growth hormones and cooled to temperature the air. Enjoy a real 100% Quebec farm chicken.

La Famille Québec Alimentation

Québec pork


Juicy and tasty. Nature, marine or in sauce… Change for Quebec pork, simply delicious!

La Famille Québec Alimentation

Fish, seafood

Seafood always fresh and without preservatives. The best of Canadian fishing. 

La Famille Québec Alimentation
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