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Spicy Curry Beef Stew

Fiche rapide

Spicy Curry Beef Stew

Spicy Curry Beef Stew

23 January 2024

A rich, spicy beef stew inspired by the flavours of Indian cuisine and perfect for winter evenings.

Servings: 4-6

Preparation time: 2h30

Star ingredient: Beef cubes



  • Approx. 450g beef cubes
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 tbsp. fresh ginger, grated
  • 2 tbsp. curry powder
  • 1 tbsp. ground cumin
  • 1 can crushed tomatoes
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a large saucepan, heat the oil and sauté the onion, garlic and ginger, then add the beef and cook until lightly browned.
  2. Add the curry powder, cumin, salt and pepper and mix well.
  3. Add the crushed tomatoes and bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for about 1 hour, or until the beef is tender.
  4. Add coconut milk and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes. Adjust salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Serve with fresh coriander and naan bread, if desired.